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Showed Good Agreement
31 marca, 2022
After that, and a detailed review by the QCD group, the analysis review committee and the entire collaboration, the paper was sent to Physics Letters B and published there. The analysis was able to show that the data are well aligned with the theoretical prediction, which shows that QCD accurately describes the parton-parton interaction in this kinematic region. The generated populations show a good match with the available statistical data sets (which are not used for generation) and are obtained within a reasonable calculation time. These results show good agreement with the behavior of real organisms that replicate their genomes at very different mutation rates. For the 31 herpes viruses, the DdDp trees showed good agreement with those obtained from complete genomes. We are living perhaps the most exciting times of recent decades in high-energy physics: in search of the Higgs boson, as well as the expected and unexpected new physics with one of the most elaborate accelerators ever built, and with complex experimental devices that took more than a decade to be designed by thousands of physicists around the world. to build, test and finally assemble and operate. This led CMS to study, analyze and measure a quantum chromodynamics (QCD) process that leads to the generation of two jets of energetic particles. Two jets with a strong transverse moment (dijets) appear in proton-proton collisions of the interaction of partons (quarks and gluons) within protons, the outgoing dispersed partons forming hadronic jets.
The di-jet production rate as a function of the di-jet mass can be calculated accurately. So we can directly compare the prediction of our theory with the observations with our data on energies that have never been explored before. Of course, this “simple” comparison, as with any physical analysis, requires a lot of work over many months to understand what triggers to use, their effectiveness, the details of calculations and corrections, uncertainties in the data, and many other small details. For these efforts to be successful, we need to prove that we understand both the accelerator and the experimental apparatus. We must carefully and accurately check whether the physics we already know is reproduced and measured accurately. We need to understand the methods we use in the search for new physics. We need to adjust our simulations in this new unexplored energy regime so that “unexpected behaviors” that are not due to new physics, but to incomplete modeling on our part, do not deceive us. The “kinematic region” in question covers the di-jet-invariant mass range of 0.2 to 3.5 TeV up to a maximum jet speed range of ±2.5. Submitted by: Niki Saoulidou and Bora Isildak…
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